Landlords Delay Repairs Due to Tax Break
Landlords are delaying repairs to maximise ‘wear and tear’ tax breaks, with renters waiting months for repairs. The research* reveals that the change to tax
Landlords are delaying repairs to maximise ‘wear and tear’ tax breaks, with renters waiting months for repairs. The research* reveals that the change to tax
Acquisition International Magazine have announced the winners of the 2016 Business Excellence Awards. The prestigious Business Excellence Awards were first established to highlight and celebrate
The latest TDS stats show that there has been a steep 25% rise in tenancy deposit disputes, with one third of agents making claims This
Setting the record straight on what counts as fair wear and tear by Jax Kneppers Fair wear and tear is the most misunderstood area of
According to the latest data from the tenancy deposit scheme, cleaning continues to take the lion’s share of deposit disputes, up almost 50% over the
Qube, Fixflo, and the DPS A business is simply an idea to make other people’s lives better.– Sir Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group Mr.
Keeping your Data Safe and Sound Want to make sure every nugget of information you record into the Imfuna app gets zipped straight to the
When Two Become One First there was chocolate. Then there were cookies. Then someone combined the two and we got chocolate chip cookies. Chocolate chip
Jax Kneppers, creator of digital inventory platform Imfuna Let, discusses the role that technology has to play in the lettings space This time last year
Technology finally taking off in the buy-to-let market It has been well documented that the lettings industry has not been one to accept technological advancements