Are You Going to Go My Way?
How can landlords increase the percentage of deposit adjudications that go their way? Deposits are, and always have been, a key part of the letting
How can landlords increase the percentage of deposit adjudications that go their way? Deposits are, and always have been, a key part of the letting
It’s rumoured over 450,000 people will descend on the capital for the Olympic and Paralympic games, a number which discounts competitors. In central London and
Survey reveals the ins and outs of deposit disputes As the Tenancy Deposit Schemes continue to dominate the news agenda in the residential property industry,
Originally published in EstateAgentToday Digital inventory platform company, Imfuna, will be attending the NALS Letting Conference on October 6th, offering lettings agents, landlords and estate
by Bryony McIndoe You’ve found the flatmates and the house; now all you need to do is sign the contract and move in, right? Well,
by Jax Kneppers We commissioned a research project recently, asking 100 lettings agents a series of questions about technology –from how they use it today
by Jax Kneppers One of the most difficult aspects in the rental market is disputes arising between landlord and tenant, either during or at the
Originally published by Jack Ratcliffe, LatestGadgets Ever lived in rented accommodation? Do you remember the time when you moved out and the landlord didn’t charge
Originally published by Tessa Shepperson, Landlord Law Inventories are absolutely crucial today, and we are told that landlords will have virtually no chance of success
Originally published by Renthusiast According to research conducted by Imfuna Let, only 11% of letting agents are planning to invest in new technology in the