Imfuna Case Study: Simon’s Story

A lover of stories of sea adventures as a boy, his adult life had seen him wading into the world of letting properties.

Before long, he was the proud owner of a successful letting agency that boasted a portfolio of over 1200 properties. He had built the business from scratch and was incredibly proud of his achievements, but soon enough something felt like it was missing.

Growing His Letting Business

The early days of operating a business fulfilled the sense of adventure that Simon had felt since he was a young boy reading of pirates and crashing waves.

The days were long but were filled with enthusiasm for growing the business. Before long came more properties, more staff, and more work.

Simon thrived on the positive feedback his business was achieving. Landlords and tenants alike were all pleased with the impeccable work Simon’s business offered, which only strengthened his desire to provide value and seek perfection in his, and his company’s work.

The work his business carried out consisted of all-day inspections that were carried out with the aim of capturing data on a property that reflected its condition at the point of check-in and check-out.

Simon enjoyed keeping things in good order, and he enjoyed this aspect of his work.

As mentioned, the hours were long, but Simon enjoyed working with a good team around him and thoroughly enjoyed his work.

The Search for Inventory Software Begins

As the workload grew, so did the hours that the team, and Simon, were being forced to work. Simon loved nothing more than spending time by the sea, but lately, he had found himself bound to work until long after the sun had gone down.

The desire to find solutions to improve the workflow began. Simon wanted to find a way to do his work quicker but didn’t want the quality of his service to suffer.

The first thing he thought of doing was forming report templates. These templates made it much quicker to write down thoughts and notes whilst undergoing property inspections throughout the day.

They also allowed him to import digital photographs seamlessly and efficiently, meaning all reports were easy to make, full of information, and looked professional.

The team initially found the new technology to work well, and the workflow did improve. But the slight improvement that was realised wasn’t enough.

Finding the Letting Inspection App to Fix Simon’s Issues

Simon’s business was a success. His customers loved his work, and his team enjoyed working for him, but Simon wasn’t happy.

Even with his newfound technology speeding up his process, it was still taking him long into the night to produce the high-standard reports his company had grown a reputation for.

His passion as a seaman was being lost under a mound of report-writing.

Simon prided himself on his professionalism and he wouldn’t settle for anything but the best when it came to producing in-depth and accurate reports for his clients.

He still found himself working until 10PM to make sure all work was ready for the next morning. Despite his yearning to get on the sea, his feet remained dry due to work constraints that he worried he may never escape from.

The Inventory App That Fixed It All

Simon knew something had to change, so he began to investigate.

He started by focussing on all of his working methods. He knew to speed up the process he would have to drop the paper and pen approach, and he began to look for a mobile app.

He was proficient with social media, sharing photos, taking notes, and he knew these skills would transfer perfectly into his work.

But the question was how?

He made note of his non-negotiables when it came to finding an app.

He needed something that allowed him to capture data in an organized way that remained consistent with his business needs.

Due to his huge portfolio, he needed something that was flexible and that could cater for his many different properties and the vast array of shapes and sizes they came in.

It needed to capture photographs that were high quality, and allow him to write long, detailed notes explaining each individual photo and adding information.

He prided himself on the quality of his inventory and inspection reports, and the new app had to allow him to keep up this standard.

Finally, he needed something that would convert all of this information into a report in a way that was significantly more efficient than the arduous MS Word-based digital report template method he currently used.

He didn’t know if this app existed, until he found Imfuna.

Imfuna let

How Imfuna Got Simon Back on the Sea

Simon began to use the Imfuna Let app and his life changed immediately.

Daily inspections, which often took place long into the evening, were now complete by 3PM. Reports were created and sent by 5PM.

So, what changed with Imfuna?

Well, what Simon found was technology specifically designed to perform property inspections and create inventories.

This was all done on a simple mobile device, and the best part?

The reports wrote themselves.

Before Imfuna, Simon would spend long hours transporting pictures onto templates and filling them in word by word.

Not anymore though. Every report was now produced in a cloud environment, saving Simon time and minimising the potential for any mistakes.

Whereas Simon had to take part in inspections prior to adopting Imfuna, his workforce of five inspectors could now handle the workload with ease, allowing Simon to act as quality controller. This meant he could oversee all operations and ensure all standards are being set, as well as finding time to focus on other aspects of the business of which he couldn’t spare the time to work on earlier.

In fact, Simon didn’t even have to leave the office anymore. As his inspection clerks went about their work, the reports would instantly be sent back to Simon, who could begin working on them before the inspector was even back in their car.

Imfuna Let was a revelation for Simon and his team who now find themselves with more time, less pressure and stress, and the capacity to work at a much higher and more efficient level.

For Simon, what he thought was impossible, suddenly became possible.

With many hours now spare, he joined the RNLI, and can now regularly be found training volunteers and rescuing the seamen he read about as a young boy.

boat at sea

Can Imfuna Help You?

Does Simon’s story sound familiar?

If so, why not take a look at Imfuna let?

If you have any questions, our team would be glad to help and talk you through exactly how Imfuna can take your letting business to the next level.