Allow Imfuna To Help You Achieve your goals
Have you ever been caught in a situation where someone in an important meeting or testifying at trial says something you know to be inherently wrong?
Do you have the tools and information at hand to respond in a compelling and persuasive way?
Here is a real world experience shared with Imfuna: A testifying expert reported they had observed damaged conditions throughout the subject property in support of their conclusion that 100% of the exterior building envelope should be replaced.
The responding expert knew this to be inherently incorrect, but had very little time to gather the records necessary to respond intelligently.

Imfuna to the rescue! By implementing the comprehensive reporting tools available via Imfuna inspection software the responding expert was able to gather and present an irrefutable and detailed dataset with reports in multiple formats to challenge the efficacy of the initial report. Accuracy, speed and organisation of datawere the keys to success. Inspection templates were organised, by building, unit number, elevation and components. Inspectors used the condition ratings via Imfuna’s easy to use app slider bar values, to assign the state of each component identifying damages, repairs, maintenance and non damages as the selected values.Rapid fire camera with irrefutable metadata (date / time / pinpoint GPS data) providing unlimited photos of each panel. Using Imfuna’s efficient ‘clone feature’ and where elevation fabric was used in multiple bays and floor numbers, inspectors were able to capture data at speed (cloning the previous element material description) leaving just photos and ratings to update. Using Imfuna’s time saving merge feature – multiple inspectors were able to inspect individual elevations simultaneously, all efficiently brought together in one report. A rapid search of the multiple inspections, immediately provided a listing of all observations showing damages, as well as all non damaged areas, listed by exterior element, by building, unit number and orientationA statistical analysis completed the rebuttal.
You can also learn more about our services and successes on our website.Ready to experience the difference? Lets Arrange A Quick Chat
The outcome is predictable. A repair scheme was adopted based on the reliable field observations captured by utilising the data capture features built into Imfuna. Millions saved!
We at Imfuna are proud to serve truthseekers.