Test Protocol Challenges

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Allow Imfuna To Help You Achieve your goals Every test protocol incorporates specific data inputs to validate the findings.

Failure to complete all the detailed requirements can invalidate the report, resulting in frustration, expense and perhaps litigation.

Why risk this from happening to you? Imfuna provides the tools and platform to address this risk.Consider a field test for a window assembly. The standard test protocol incorporates many critical data points.

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This author has been in the situation where, due to incomplete data reporting, multi million pound cases in trial have failed by pointing out to the trier of fact that the tests reports lacked critical information.Some examples include:Failure to document the pre- existing window assemble condition. Failure to document and report atmospheric/  meteorological  conditions during the course of the test. Failure to document and report the operation of the assembly. Failure to report the calibration certification for the test equipment.
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There are many more examples, however all these failures result from poor data collection during the course of testing.  How can we help? Imfuna provides the user with the ability to import an entire comprehensive template representing all information required under the specified test protocol.Bread-crumbing features in the mobile app, guide the user to easily see status of data collection, guiding the user to complete the information.Metadata secures the data eliminating challenges to location, date, time of test.
Don’t be caught out, streamline your process with Imfuna